Text color ui
Text color ui

The two colors should be variants or shades of the same color, so that they're clearly related.The color for unvisited links should be more vivid, bright, and saturated than the color for visited links, which should look "used" (dull and washed out).Use different colors for visited and unvisited links.Because underlines provide a strong perceived affordance of clickability, users will be confused and disappointed if underlined text doesn't have an actual affordance to match this perception. Don't underline any text that's not a link, even if your links aren't underlined.Exception: underlined links are important for low-vision users' accessibility, so retain underlines if accessibility is a priority for your site or you have many users with low vision.Exception: underlining is essential if you use link colors such as reds or greens, which cause problems for users with common forms of color-blindness.(Remember: your design might not be as obvious to outside users as it is to your own team members.) Users typically understand a left-hand navigation rail with a list of links on a colored background, assuming it resembles the navigation areas on most other sites. However, this is true only when the page design clearly indicates the area's function. There are two main cases in which you can safely eliminate underlines: navigation menus and other lists of links.

text color ui

Assuming the link text is colored, it's not always absolutely necessary to underline it.Users shouldn't have to guess or scrub the page to find out where they can click. To maximize the perceived affordance of clickability, color and underline the link text.Here are the current usability guidelines for showing textual links:

Text color ui